
Partnering with families in training children to pursue Jesus and teaching them to share His story.

Experiencing God’s Love

At SalemKids we want to partner with you in helping children experience God through singing, teaching, play, games, building life-changing relationships, and just having fun!

The goal of SalemKids is to teach children how to:

1. Glorify God in all they do.
2. Become a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ.
3. Find their place in God’s ongoing story.

Planning a visit?

Here’s what you can expect:

  • A safe, friendly, and loving environment where your child will find a place to belong.
  • You will be welcomed by our SalemKids greater team at one of our check-in points where your child will receive their security sticker.

  • You and your child will be escorted by one of our team members to your child’s age appropriate class.

Weekly Schedule


9:45 AM

We have Bible Fellowship Groups (Sunday School) for Birth – 5th grade. All with age appropriate games, crafts, singing, and Bible teaching.

11:00 AM

Wee Worship (birth – Pre-K) is provided.

Children’s Worship (K – 5th grade) begin in our Multi-Purpose Room with a time of worship with their church family. Midway through the service the children will be dismissed to Children’s Worship for a time of Bible teaching, games, singing, and fun.


5:15 PM

Kids are invited to sit with Pastor Jamie at the SalemKids table during our weekly Fellowship Dinner (Registration available in the Salem Event Hub)

6:15 PM

Children’s AWANA for ages 2 yrs. — 5th grade.
Learn More About AWANA

Looking for Our Weekday Preschool?

The Salem Baptist Weekday Preschool is a wonderful place that gives children an opportunity to grow spiritually, mentally, socially, and emotionally throughout the week. Bible stories and Christian truths are part of the daily activities, and each age level has a balance of structure and flexibility.