We Look Forward to Meeting You!

We Look Forward to Meeting You!

We meet every Sunday morning! Most people come to the 11AM worship service, but if you like a more traditional style of service come to the 8:30AM service!

Not sure what to expect?

Salem is made up of welcoming folks eager to meet you! Expect a loving environment and to be greeted when you come in. You can also expect a place for every age and stage of life. Bring your kids and parents alike!

Where to go?

Salem has a large campus, but all you need to do is come to our main building which faces the entrance off of North Salem Street. There you will find volunteers ready to greet you and direct you wherever you may need to go!

What to Wear?

Whatever you like! Most people come in a comfortable, everyday style.

8:30 AM

Traditional Service

11:00 AM


How to Get Here

Our campus has entrances off of both N. Salem Street and Salem Church Road, but our main entrance is off of N. Salem St.

Our Address is:
1821 North Salem Street
Apex NC, 27523

We Want You To Feel At Home

Let us know when to expect you and we can have someone available to show you where to go, how to register your kids, make sure you have a nice place to sit, and anything else you may need.

If you would be more comfortable keeping to yourself then that is fine too! We want everyone to feel comfortable and receive whatever level of welcome they would like.

Which Service Time Will You Attend? *

We’ll See You Soon!