Panama Mission Trip Application Form

Section 1: General Information

Your name:*


Phone Number:*


Birth Date:*

Do You Currently Have a Passport?*

If you select Yes, please complete all additional passport questions that appear: *

Section 2: Church Information

Are You a Member of Salem Baptist Church?*

Are you a member of Salem Baptist Church? *

What Service Do You Attend?*

Do You Regularly Attend Your BFG?*

Please List The Areas In Which You Are Presently Serving:*

Section 3: Discipleship

What is the Gospel?*

In your understanding, what is needed for salvation?*

Briefly write out how you came to know Jesus as your Savior:*

Describe Your Current Relationship With God. How Are You Growing? What Are You Learning?*

Name Two People Who Have Had A Significant Impact On Your Spiritual Walk. Explain How They Have Impacted You.*

Section 4: Missions

Tell me about a recent opportunity you had to share your faith:*

Have You Been On Any Other Mission Trips? Where Did You Go? What Did You Do?*

List Any Skills, Talents, Or Training You Have That Could Be Useful For This Trip:*

List Your Top 3 Strengths And Weaknesses. How Could These Be A Help Or Hindrance To Us On This Trip?*

Why Do You Feel The Lord Calling You To Go On This Mission Trip?*

Is There Anything That Could Potentially Restrict Your Commitment To This Trip?*

What Do You Hope To Gain From This Trip?*

Is there anything you'd like the chance to do on this trip?*