Music Ministry
“Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day.”
1 Chronicles 16:23
As those redeemed by Jesus Christ we have much to sing and rejoice for! We sing because our hearts overflow with God’s love for us. We sing to proclaim His word to all who will hear. We sing to remind ourselves of the truths of God’s word. Most of all, we sing because the King of kings and Lord of lords delights in our praise and asks for us to sing and praise throughout scripture!
Salem’s Music Ministry offers a wide variety of opportunities for all ages including Choir, Worship Band, Orchestra, Worship Team, and Student Ministry bands.

Areas of Music Ministry

God has blessed Salem with many talented musicians. The Salem Orchestra provides an opportunity for these musicians to lead our congregation in praising God. Adults and students with three years of experience, and the ability to play level three music, are encouraged to join the Salem Orchestra. Brass, woodwind, string, and percussion players are all welcome.
The Orchestra rehearses on an as needed basis.