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Join us on Wednesday evenings at 6:15 PM beginning August 16 in Room D124 for the Bible study Romans: Live With Clarity, led by Tammy Pressley.
Paul’s letter to the Romans uncovers God’s heart and play for the salvation of mankind, the Gospel. Sadly, too many Christians have lost sight of what the Good News actually is and how to put it into action. Because we don’t truly understand the grace we have received, we are often stingy in giving grace. We believe that we’re basically good, evangelism is just for the pastor, and unity is only marginally important among Christians. We have redefined the Gospel to something that’s convenient, but never uncomfortable. Join us for this eight-session Bible study where Jada Edwards brings the clarity that we need for what the Gospel is and how we live it out. Romans is a deep dive into doctrine, not for knowledge’s sake, but for life change. Jada explores Paul’s articulation of our faith and what it looks like in practice: how we love people, how we make decisions, how we submit to authority, and how we foster unity.
You can register here, and pay for your Bible study book online ($10) or when you attend.