
Event details

  • 2023-06-26 12:30 to 2023-07-01 9:00

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Student Deep Impact Mission Trip 2023

2023-06-26 12:30 to 2023-07-01 9:00
June 26, 2023


Student Deep Impact Mission Trip 2023

2023-06-26 12:30 to 2023-07-01 9:00
June 26, 2023


Monday June 26 to Saturday July 1

This summer we will be going through NC Baptist’s Deep Impact trip that is right here at home! During this week, we will stay here at Salem and go out during the day to serve around the Triangle. So far, the ministries we will be involved with include helping a few local church plants, homeless ministry, and some community outreach. Deep Impact is always a gospel-centered, missions-focused, and life-impacting week where students are able to be introduced to serving the Lord and others in new ways.