GeneralSenior Adults

Event details

  • December 12, 2023
  • Tuesday, 9:45 AM to 7:00 PM

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Senior Adults: Rudy Theatre’s Christmas Jubilee

Tuesday, 9:45 AM to 7:00 PM
December 12, 2023


Senior Adults: Rudy Theatre’s Christmas Jubilee

Tuesday, 9:45 AM to 7:00 PM
December 12, 2023


Tuesday, December 12th at 9:45AM

The Senior Adults (age 60+) will be attending the Rudy Theater in Selma, NC, Tuesday, Dec. 12 for their Christmas Jubilee. Showtime is at the matinee at 12:45 PM and we will stop for lunch at a pre-arranged restaurant (at your expense) beforehand. We will be travelling by chartered bus and will leave the church at 9:45 AM. Tickets are $15 each – checks should be made out to Salem Baptist Church (payment is non-refundable).

Please contact Lewis Layman (, 919-779-1419) for reservations/payment. Deadline is Sunday, November 26.