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  • October 23, 2022
  • All Day

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Harvest Day 2022 — Celebrating Our Church’s Heritage

All Day
October 23, 2022


Harvest Day 2022 — Celebrating Our Church’s Heritage

All Day
October 23, 2022


Harvest Day is a time when our church celebrates the faithfulness of God and focuses on our vision for the future. It’s a tradition for our church that dates back to when Apex was an agrarian community and the congregation would bring a portion of their harvest in to the church.

We honor that tradition with a special Harvest Day offering each year. This year the offering will go towards renovating classrooms for the Precious Jewel’s ministry.

We also share a meal together as a church. Lunch will be provided after the 11AM service in the Fellowship Hall. All church members are invited to attend. If you can, we ask that you bring a dessert to share! (Dessert dishes can be dropped off at the Fellowship Hall before service).