Men’s Ministry

Training brothers, husbands, leaders, and witnesses for Christ

Together We Grow

Salem’s Men’s Ministry provides opportunities for you to get engaged with other men and grow in your faith. Through discipleship, brotherly fellowship, and service to others, we are drawn ever-closer to our Lord Jesus Christ, and through Him receive strength for our daily walk as men. Men’s discipleship classes and Bible studies are regularly offered year-round as well as fellowship and service opportunities.


Men’s Basketball Open Court
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12–2PM

Come join us for a short time of prayer, fellowship, and exercise as we play basketball in the MPR every week. Simply bring your gym clothes and join us!


Retired Old Men Eating Out
Every Thursday from 9–10 AM in the Women of All Ages classroom.

Contact Dennis Cotten for more information about this fellowship group.

Men’s Purity Group

A men’s purity group, an outreach of Inside Out Ministries, meets regularly at Salem. The group is led by Jeff Fisher, and helps men in the midst of struggling with issues of lust, unhealthy relationships, and pornography.

If you’re interested in learning more and possibly joining the group, please call Jeff Fisher (919-800-7500).