Operation Christmas Child 2022
Salem’s Goal:
1,500 boxes
1,500 boxes
Together, we are changing lives! By prayerfully packing Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts, you can join us in bringing the message of eternal hope to precious little ones and their families. Since 1993, more than 198 million children in more than 170 countries and territories have received an Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoebox. For some, this is their first ever gift. Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes allows you to share the love of God in a tiny box; that love can spread to the child’s family and throughout the village. This box provides them a tangible expression of God’s love.
How can you help?
• Pray for our donation collection, packing the boxes, the children receiving the box, the families, the local ministry distributing
• Build a box online on Samaritan’s Purse’s website.
• Pickup an empty box from Salem, available in the lobby of Building D and other entrances. Filled boxes need to be returned by November 20.